ambilkan bulan bu ambilkan bulan bu G C D yang selalu bersinar di langit G C di langit bulan benderang Am D cahayanya sampai ke bintang G/B C ambilkan bulan bu ambilkan bulan bu Em D E ambilkan bulan bu ooo uwooo A D di langit bulan benderang Bm E
Lirik dan Chord Chord Gitar Mr. Big - To Be With You Band ... copy paste lirik dan chord lagu Indonesia Chords for O Naraniag a Bulan - Mabuhay Singers [A E C#m C# D B G#m] Chords for O Naraniag a Bulan - Mabuhay Singers with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. B7sus4 Guitar Chord - Guitar Chords Chart -
Chord Gitar & Lirik Lagu. November 18, 2013 · Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On : Intro: C# B A B C# B A B E B Every night in my dreams A E B I see you I feel you E B A that is how I know you go on. E B Far across the distance A E B and spaces between us E B A Malaysia Ukulele Group (MUG): TABS/CHORDS A collection of chords that you can find it online, i.e : or just google it. but here we have some of our favourite song collection that we used to jam. all chords also can be found in MUG Group file Adele - Someone Like You; Adibah Noor - Keroncong Hujan; Albert Hammond Jr. - In Transit O Naraniag A Bulan Lyrics - Mabuhay Singers Oct 25, 2014 · Full and accurate LYRICS for "O Naraniag A Bulan" from "Mabuhay Singers": O naraniag a bulan, Un-unnoyko indengam, Dayta naslag a silawmo, Dika kad ipaidam, You Are the Strength of My Life / Engkaulah Kekuatanku ... Verse: C Em Am You are the strength of my life Dm C/E G You are my shelter my joy C Em Am When the storm comes in my way Dm C/E G Nothing can separate us Dm C/E G Nothing compares to Your love C For you are God Chorus: F G As far as the heaven above us Em Am Oh Your love is greater than everything Dm G We come to You and bow down at Your feet C C7 To worship You, our Lord F G As far …
AMBILKAN BULAN BU Chords - Sheila On 7 | E-Chords Ambilkan Bulan Bu Chords by Sheila On 7. Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more. Chord Sheila On 7 Ambilkan Bulan - Chord Gitar Indonesia ... Chord Sheila On 7 Ambilkan Bulan - [intro] G C G D G G C ambilkan bulan bu ambilkan bulan bu G C D yang selalu bersinar di langit G C ambilkan bulan bu ambilkan bulan bu G C D yang selalu bersinar di langit G C di langit bulan benderang Am D cahayanya sampai ke bintang G C ambilkan bulan bu untuk menerangi G D G tidurku yang lelap di malam gelap [int] G C G C D G C G D G G C ambilkan bulan bu Ambilkan Bulan - YouTube Feb 22, 2013 · Ambilkan Bulan, lagu anak-anak populer karya AT Mahmud, dibawakan oleh Theresa dengan iringan musik Kak Nunuk. Diambil dari album Koleksi Abadi Lagu Taman Kanak-Kanak Vol. 1 produksi Gema Nada Pertiwi
Bdim7 Guitar Chord - Hobby Hour Bdim7 guitar chord - B chords. Chord Bdim7 notes: B, D, G#, B and F. You should not play the 6th string. The guitar strings 4(D) and 2(B) are left open. - Great Big Wonderful God - Indonesian ... Great big wonderful God We've got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God A God that loves every one of us Done so much for all of us Great big wonderful God He never, never, never leaves us He's always standing by To pick us up when we stumble We're the apple of his eye We've got a great big wonderful God A great big wonderful God Emaj7 chord position variations - Guitar Chords World
Bdim7 Chord Chart: How To Play A Bdim7 Chord On The Guitar